SANTANDER TOTTA / NOVA University of Lisbon AWARD distinguishes iNOVA4Health collaborative project in the area of Alzheimer's disease
The winner of the 8th edition of the Prémio de Investigação Colaborativa Santander Totta Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Life Sciences) was the iNOVA4Health collaborative project between Cláudia Almeida (CEDOC-NMS|FCM-NOVA) and Catarina Brito (ITQB, iBET)
“Recapitulating late-onset Alzheimer’s disease in a three dimensional human neural cell model” (Recapitulação da doença de Alzheimer de início tardio usando culturas tridimensionais de neurónios humanos).
“This project aims the creation of an experimental model for the late onset of Alzheimer’s Disease, that will allow the study of the mechanisms of disease induction, and for the generation of new personalized therapeutic strategies”
This prize was awarded on the 22nd of April 2015, at the Auditório da Reitoria da Universidade, no Campus de Campolide and will be attended by representatives of Universidade NOVA, Banco Santander Totta, the members of the jury and the awarded researchers.
The prize of 25 000 €, is the outcome of an agreement between Universidade NOVA and Banco Santander Totta, which aim to distinguish collaborative projects from junior researchers that involve, at least, two UNL academic units.