If you are seeking a career bridging basic science, clinical practice and trials competences at CEDOC/FCM/IPOLFG with the development/technological competences available at iBET/ITQB, targeting biopharmaceutical products and new clinical practices then iNOVA4Health is the right place for you!
We are a leading research unit in translational medicine organizing efforts from institutions within NOVA University of Lisbon. We offer young researchers an excellent training and development environment.
We are active members of several FCT funded PhD programmes involving other institutions in the country:
- PhD Program in Mechanisms of Disease and Regenerative Medicine (CEDOC/NMS|FCM and University of Algarve);
- Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Ageing and Chronic Disease (CEDOC/NMS|FCM, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, and School of Health Sciences at the University of Minho);
- PhD Program in Bioengineering – Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine (CEDOC/NMS|FCM, iBET, Instituto Superior Técnico and Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon);
- MIT Portugal Molecular Bioscience Processes (iBET, ITQB, FCT-UNL, IST, U. Minho)
- Molecular Biosciences (ITQB, iBET, FCT-UNL, IGC)
hence being committed to the preparation of students with the skills and expertise they need to succeed in their future careers.